Happy to work with you!

Healing Flames, Group LIVE Healings, Workshops, Training Programs, Private Sessions


Multidimensional Dragon Energy Healing and Cleansing Treatment

Powerful Healing for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Full Online Video Session Access

🖼 Includes 2 Healing Dragon Talismans (Light Language Art)

$44 USD

  Physical Body: Feel better! Get relief for your muscles, bones, and joints originated by emotional imbalance, but also release stress, anxiety, sadness, trauma, fear, guilty, shame, angry, depression that have been stored in your body’s cells.


  Mind Body: Feel lighter, burden-free, centered, calm, and balanced, but also remove obsolete, low frequency emotional programs stored in your subconscious mind that you inherited, learned or received from society (family, friends, job, religion, government, etc).


  Light Body, Chakras, Aura:

Remove energy blocks, and refresh your personal Light Blueprint. Cleansing, healing, and balance for your 7 main Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. Replenish your Aura, and get rid of energetic bonds with “energy vampires”. Connect easier with your Higher Self, Guides, Universe.

7 Chakras Healing and DNA Activation

Feel the transformation in your Energetic Body and open your Intuition and Awareness

Full Online Video Session Access

$12 USD

  7 Main Chakras Cleansing, Restoration, and Activation with Andromedan starlight. Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.


  Enjoy the physical and energetic benefits of your chakras working balanced and in harmony. This is a solid foundation for your spiritual gifts to develop into the next level.


  Allow your intuition to flow smoothly to guide you by removing energy blocks and low vibes implants.


DNA Cosmic Activation with Andromedan Higher Light.

Training Programs

Violet Flame Practitioner | Level 1 LIVE Training Ticket

Improve your Life and Health!

📅 Saturday July 27th, 2024 (Sold out & closed!)

     10 AM NY / 4 PM GER

    (Full day: 6 to 7 hr. Training)

$188 USD

Imagine yourself getting rid of anxiety, stress, emotional burden, or to heal a sudden cold using High Vibrational Energy in a breeze. All by yourself, in a natural, harmonic, peaceful, healing way, with no need to ask somebody else, or to intake pills that many times carry side effects. This is an example of using the unlimited power of the Violet Flame to heal yourself in your daily life, and you can easily do it!

The Violet Flame is a divine torch of Purity, Freedom, Forgiveness, Harmony, and Divine Transformation.

Heal and Expand with this dedicated LIVE Training by video conference designed for you to receive and be ethereally attuned with the Violet Flame, and learn easy techniques for self-healing and to heal other Souls. It includes LIVE practice during this course.

At the end of this Training, you will be able to apply the Violet Flame with ease for Healing purposes for yourself, or for other Souls. You will feel anew, cleansed, lighter, healed, renovated, balanced, peaceful, expanded, and excited to use your enlarged spiritual gifts.

It’s not required you be an experienced Energy/Reiki Healer. Having the inner call is enough, because you are already Divine, capable, and unlimited. You know in your Heart if this mystical training is for you! Follow your intuition! 💜

Bonus Gifts:

💎 Energy Gifts to activate your abilities (with Archangels Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst)


🖼 Light Language Angelic Violet Flame Art

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If you have any question or comment about this training program, please email me to: alex@alexspirituality.com

© Alex Bernal 2023 — All rights reserved.