Oct 2nd at 1 and 9 PM ET NY
6 PM UK / 7 PM GER

Balance your Feminine and Maculine Energies to catapult you into new oceans of discovery while the past fades out

ย  Balance your Divine Feminine and Masculine Energies: Cleansing and Balancing your Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras to remove old blockages (even from past lifetimes) which limit you to live in Equilibrium. It’s time to take decisive actions in your life based on your Intuition!


ย  Empowering Healthy Relationships: Help you to energetically reconfigure your current and new relationships dynamics, to support the new Self-loving, higher version of yourself that you are bringing to life, especially where you have experienced unbalance or one-side relationship experiences not favorable to you.


ย  Removing limiting beliefs and inaction to foster new Higher Beginnings: working with Polaris Higher Frequencies to remove limiting energies, outdated programs, overthinking, and fears to fire up new beginnings in your life’s journey. Embark yourrelf into new oceans of discovery!


โš ย  Join if you feel ready to grow and expand. ๐Ÿ˜‡ You know in your Heart ๐Ÿ’– if this Cosmic healing is for you!

[Quantum working with High Vibrational Beings from Polaris Star System]

Book Now!

This 75 โ€” 80 minutes LIVE Ceremony is performed for you inside a High Frequency, Sacred Space, using a secured Video conference call using Zoom Application.

You get access to this Cosmic Ceremony in two time zones for your convenience:


ย  1 PM ET NY / 6 PM UK

ย  ย  ย  7 PM GER


ย  ย 9 PM ET NY / 8 PM CDT

This Quantum Energy Work is performed with cosmic love for you based on an Energy Exchange. ๐Ÿ˜‡ Please make your donation to reserve your spot. Thank you! ๐Ÿ’–

If for any reason you can’t join on time, I got you! You also receive the video replay of this Event

Please press button below to reserve your spot:

USD (PayPal & Credit Card options)

IMPORTANT (Please read)

After booking, you receive your Ceremony Ticket (PDF) by email, which includes the Zoom video conference link to join. Congratz!


Sometimes this email can get into your spam or promotions inbox. If you donโ€™t receive it, please send me an email to: alex@alexspirituality.com


This event adheres to the Terms and Conditions of this website.ย ย 


Any comment or question, please email me at: alex@alexspirituality.com

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